
Welcome! here I share my personal journey of embracing a healthy and active lifestyle through running, clean eating, and mindfulness. I am 45-year-old long-distance runner who found my passion for marathons back in 2005. Since then, I’ve been constantly pushing my limits and striving to become a better runner, ultimately discovering the transformative power of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I am fortunate to be living in beautiful San Diego. I often embark on long runs from La Jolla to Carlsbad, covering distances between 25 to 30 miles. I challenge myself to complete these arduous runs few times a year, while maintaining a consistent weekly routine of 6-mile runs on weekdays and 10-mile runs on weekends.

During the Covid pandemic, my love for long-distance running grew stronger, and I started focusing on improving my eating habits. I transitioned to a predominantly vegan diet, which has not only boosted my energy levels but also contributed to my overall well-being.
I decided to explore meditation, and it has gradually become an integral part of my daily routine. The combination of running, healthy eating, and meditation has proven to be a powerful force in my life, leading to positive changes and personal growth. I find myself happier and more present in my relationships with friends and family. Spending quality time with my loved ones has become even more enjoyable and fulfilling

Gardner vs Carpenter

Life’s Antifragile Nature and The Pursuit of Perfection. In 2018, I found myself listening to an NPR interview with Alison Gopnik, an author and guest on the show. She introduced an intriguing analogy from her book—the Gardener and the Carpenter—that gave a fresh perspective on parenting styles. This concept resonated deeply with me. I’ve expanded this concept beyond parenting, finding its relevance in various aspects of life. Life offers a myriad of philosophies and paths to choose from. Let’s consider two of these—the Gardener and the Carpenter. The Gardener embodies flexibility, diversity, and a reduction of risk, while the Carpenter…